Thanks for reminding me how much I love this song. I picked up the ep in the fall of ā€˜83 as a college sophomore (at Flat, Black & Circular in East Lansing). Back then, non-LP singles and B sides always felt like a reward for the fans who were really paying attention. I already knew Shankar from the first WOMAD album in 1982, and really enjoyed his contribution to the record. Wore the grooves out on this one!

According to Setlist dot fm, this was the first song of the set when my now-wife and I saw the band at the Fox Theatre in Detroit on the Songs to Learn & Sing Tour in April of ā€˜86.

Looking forward to more essays!

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Thanks for weighing in, Tim! And that is one great name for a record shop. I too wore my EP cassette brittle and thin. When I saw the Bunnymen in Sept. 84, on the Ocean Rain tour at the Berkeley Community Theater, I was left dumbfounded. They were so amazing--so amazing in fact, that I passed on opportunities to see them again for 30 years, lest I mar that perfect memory. Then I did see them, in 2016 at the House of Blues in CLE. I wrote about that at length here: https://harpers.org/2018/09/dignified-and-old/ And thank you for the Look Out Cleveland quarterly. Essential reading for NEO.

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